A new thing sermon

Here's a sermon on the topic of "A New Thing":

Title: A New Thing

Text: Isaiah 43:19


Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut? Like you're going through the motions of daily life, but nothing seems to be changing or improving? Maybe you're feeling like you're just going through the motions, but you're not really living. Maybe you're feeling like you're just existing, but you're not really experiencing life.

Well, today I want to talk to you about a new thing. A new thing that God is doing in our lives. A new thing that He is bringing forth. A new thing that will bring hope and joy and excitement to our lives.

The Old Thing:

In Isaiah 43:18, God says, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past." In other words, God is saying, "Don't get stuck in the past. Don't dwell on what's been. Don't get bogged down in what's been done." The past is gone, and it's not going to change. It's not going to get better. It's not going to get worse. It's just gone.

And then in verse 19, God says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." In other words, God is saying, "I am doing something new. I am bringing forth something new. I am making a way where there was no way. I am creating something out of nothing."

The New Thing:

So what is this new thing that God is doing? It's a new thing in our lives. It's a new thing in our relationships. It's a new thing in our communities. It's a new thing in our world.

It's a new thing of hope. It's a new thing of joy. It's a new thing of peace. It's a new thing of love. It's a new thing of life.

And it's not just a new thing for us as individuals. It's a new thing for our world. It's a new thing for our communities. It's a new thing for our families. It's a new thing for our churches.

The Way:

So how do we experience this new thing? How do we perceive it? How do we participate in it?

First, we have to forget the former things. We have to let go of the past. We have to stop dwelling on what's been. We have to stop getting bogged down in what's been done.

Second, we have to look to the future. We have to look to what God is doing. We have to look to what God is bringing forth. We have to look to what God is making a way for.

Third, we have to trust God. We have to trust that God is doing a new thing. We have to trust that God is bringing forth something new. We have to trust that God is making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.


So I want to leave you with a challenge today. I want to challenge you to look for the new thing that God is doing in your life. I want to challenge you to look for the new thing that God is bringing forth. I want to challenge you to look for the new thing that God is making a way for.

And when you find it, I want to challenge you to trust God. I want to challenge you to trust that God is doing a new thing. I want to challenge you to trust that God is bringing forth something new. I want to challenge you to trust that God is making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Because when we trust God, we can experience the new thing. We can experience the hope. We can experience the joy. We can experience the peace. We can experience the love. We can experience the life.

And that's the new thing that God is doing. That's the new thing that God is bringing forth. That's the new thing that God is making a way for.