A new method for generationg families of continuous distributions

A fascinating topic!

Generating families of continuous distributions is an active area of research in statistics and probability theory. Here's a new method that I'll outline:

Method: "Transformed-Transformed" (TT) method

Overview: The TT method is a novel approach to generating families of continuous distributions by transforming and transforming again a base distribution. This method allows for a wide range of distributions to be generated, including those with complex shapes and heavy tails.

Step 1: Choose a base distribution Select a base distribution, such as the standard normal distribution (N(0,1)) or the uniform distribution (U(0,1)). This distribution will serve as the foundation for generating the new family of distributions.

Step 2: Apply a transformation Apply a transformation to the base distribution to create a new distribution. This transformation can be a simple function, such as a power transformation (e.g., x^2) or a more complex function, such as a polynomial or a rational function. For example, if the base distribution is N(0,1), you could apply a square root transformation to create a new distribution with a skewed shape.

Step 3: Apply another transformation Apply another transformation to the resulting distribution from Step 2. This transformation can be the same as or different from the one applied in Step 2. For example, if the resulting distribution from Step 2 has a skewed shape, you could apply a logarithmic transformation to create a new distribution with a more symmetric shape.

Step 4: Repeat the process Repeat Steps 2 and 3 multiple times to create a family of distributions. Each iteration of the process will produce a new distribution that is transformed from the previous one.

Example: Suppose we start with the standard normal distribution (N(0,1)) as our base distribution. We apply a square root transformation (x^0.5) to create a new distribution with a skewed shape. Then, we apply a logarithmic transformation (log(x)) to the resulting distribution to create a new distribution with a more symmetric shape. Finally, we apply a power transformation (x^3) to the resulting distribution to create a new distribution with a heavy tail.


  1. Flexibility: The TT method allows for a wide range of distributions to be generated, including those with complex shapes and heavy tails.
  2. Interpretability: The transformations applied in each step can be easily interpreted, making it easier to understand the properties of the resulting distribution.
  3. Scalability: The TT method can be applied to large datasets, making it suitable for big data applications.


  1. Convergence: The TT method may not always converge to a stable distribution, especially when applying multiple transformations.
  2. Computational complexity: The TT method can be computationally intensive, especially when applying multiple transformations.

Future directions:

  1. Theoretical analysis: Develop a theoretical framework for understanding the properties of the distributions generated by the TT method.
  2. Applications: Explore the applications of the TT method in various fields, such as finance, engineering, and medicine.
  3. Extensions: Develop extensions to the TT method, such as incorporating additional transformations or using different base distributions.

The TT method offers a new approach to generating families of continuous distributions, providing a flexible and interpretable way to create a wide range of distributions. While there are challenges to be addressed, the potential benefits of this method make it an exciting area of research.