A new international nurzery primary british school lekki epe expressway

Congratulations on your new venture! Here's a comprehensive plan for your new international nursery and primary British school in Lekki-Epe Expressway:

School Name: [Insert school name]

Location: Lekki-Epe Expressway, Lagos, Nigeria

Mission Statement: To provide a world-class, British-based education that fosters academic excellence, creativity, and character development, while promoting a sense of community and global citizenship.


  1. To offer a high-quality, British-based curriculum that prepares students for success in a rapidly changing world.
  2. To provide a nurturing and inclusive environment that supports the social, emotional, and academic development of each child.
  3. To foster a sense of community and global citizenship by promoting cultural diversity, tolerance, and understanding.
  4. To develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills in students.
  5. To provide a safe, secure, and well-maintained learning environment that encourages creativity, curiosity, and exploration.


  1. Nursery (ages 2-5): EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum, focusing on play-based learning, literacy, numeracy, and social skills.
  2. Primary (ages 5-11): National Curriculum for England, covering core subjects like English, mathematics, science, and humanities, as well as additional subjects like French, music, and physical education.


  1. Classrooms: Spacious, well-lit, and air-conditioned classrooms with interactive whiteboards and modern teaching aids.
  2. Playgrounds: Secure, shaded, and well-maintained playgrounds with play equipment and outdoor learning areas.
  3. Library: A well-stocked library with a wide range of books, online resources, and quiet reading areas.
  4. Art and Music Rooms: Dedicated spaces for art, music, and drama, equipped with necessary materials and equipment.
  5. Sports Facilities: A multi-purpose sports hall, outdoor sports fields, and a swimming pool (optional).
  6. Canteen: A well-equipped canteen serving healthy, nutritious meals and snacks.
  7. Admin and Office Spaces: Modern, well-organized offices for administrative staff and teachers.


  1. Teachers: Qualified, experienced, and trained teachers from the UK and Nigeria, with a passion for teaching and learning.
  2. Support Staff: Experienced support staff, including teaching assistants, librarians, and administrative assistants.
  3. Management Team: A dedicated management team with experience in education, administration, and finance.

Admission and Fees:

  1. Admission: Open to children of all nationalities, with a focus on providing a diverse and inclusive learning environment.
  2. Fees: Competitive fees structure, with discounts for siblings, early payment, and long-term commitments.

Marketing Strategy:

  1. Social Media: Utilize social media platforms to promote the school, share updates, and engage with parents and the community.
  2. Online Presence: Develop a website and online directory listings to showcase the school's facilities, curriculum, and achievements.
  3. Community Outreach: Partner with local businesses, organizations, and community groups to promote the school and build relationships.
  4. Open Days and Events: Host open days, parent-teacher association meetings, and other events to showcase the school and engage with parents and the community.

Operations and Logistics:

  1. School Hours: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm, with extended hours for after-school care and extracurricular activities.
  2. Transportation: Provide safe and reliable transportation services for students, with options for parents to opt-out or provide their own transportation.
  3. Security: Implement robust security measures, including CCTV cameras, secure entry points, and trained security personnel.
  4. Maintenance and Upkeep: Regularly maintain and upgrade facilities to ensure a safe and healthy learning environment.

Financial Projections:

  1. Initial Investment: Estimated N500 million (approximately $1.3 million USD) for initial setup and infrastructure development.
  2. Ongoing Expenses: Estimated N50 million (approximately $130,000 USD) per month for staff salaries, utilities, and operational costs.
  3. Revenue Streams: Tuition fees, school fees, and other revenue streams, such as extracurricular activities and events.

This comprehensive plan provides a solid foundation for your new international nursery and primary British school in Lekki-Epe Expressway. With careful planning, execution, and attention to detail, your school can become a premier educational institution in Lagos, Nigeria.