A new ewma type control chart for

A new EWMA (Exponential Weighted Moving Average) type control chart!

EWMA charts are a popular type of control chart used to monitor the mean of a process over time. They are particularly useful when the process exhibits non-constant variance or non-normality. Here's a brief overview of a new EWMA type control chart:

New EWMA Type Control Chart:

The new EWMA type control chart is an extension of the traditional EWMA chart. It incorporates a new parameter, λ, which allows for a more flexible and adaptive control chart. The chart is designed to detect small shifts in the process mean while minimizing false alarms.


The new EWMA type control chart uses the following formula:

EWMA(t) = λ \* x(t) + (1 - λ) \* EWMA(t-1)


Control Limits:

The control limits for the new EWMA type control chart are calculated using the following formula:

UCL = EWMA(t) + 3 \* σ \* sqrt(λ) LCL = EWMA(t) - 3 \* σ \* sqrt(λ)



The new EWMA type control chart offers several advantages over traditional EWMA charts:

  1. Improved detection of small shifts: The new chart is more sensitive to small shifts in the process mean, making it more effective at detecting early warnings of process degradation.
  2. Reduced false alarms: The adaptive nature of the chart reduces the likelihood of false alarms, which can lead to unnecessary corrective actions.
  3. Flexibility: The new chart allows for the selection of a suitable smoothing parameter (λ), which can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the process.


The new EWMA type control chart can be applied to a wide range of industrial processes, including:

  1. Manufacturing: Monitoring the quality of products, such as dimensions, weight, or material properties.
  2. Healthcare: Tracking patient outcomes, such as blood pressure, glucose levels, or medication efficacy.
  3. Finance: Monitoring stock prices, trading volumes, or financial ratios.


The new EWMA type control chart offers a powerful tool for monitoring and controlling processes. Its adaptive nature and improved detection capabilities make it an attractive alternative to traditional EWMA charts. By selecting the suitable smoothing parameter (λ), users can tailor the chart to their specific needs and improve the overall performance of their process.