Iran president slams us for spreading fear over virus

You're referring to the recent statement by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, where he criticized the United States for spreading fear and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic.

On March 25, 2020, President Rouhani addressed the nation and accused the US of trying to spread fear and panic about the virus, saying that the US was "trying to create a sense of fear and anxiety" among the Iranian people. He also claimed that the US was trying to undermine Iran's efforts to combat the pandemic.

Rouhani's statement was likely in response to the US government's travel restrictions and sanctions imposed on Iran, which have been criticized by the Iranian government as an attempt to punish the Iranian people for the country's nuclear program.

The Iranian president also accused the US of spreading misinformation about the virus, saying that the US was trying to create a "false sense of danger" and that the virus was not as deadly as the US was making it out to be.

It's worth noting that the Iranian government has been criticized for its handling of the pandemic, with many experts saying that the country's slow response and lack of transparency have contributed to the spread of the virus.

The US government has also been criticized for its handling of the pandemic, with some experts saying that the country's response has been slow and inadequate. However, the US has taken significant steps to combat the virus, including implementing travel restrictions, increasing testing, and providing financial support to affected individuals and businesses.

Overall, the situation is complex and multifaceted, and it's difficult to say who is right or wrong. However, it's clear that both countries have been affected by the pandemic, and it's important for them to work together to combat it.