A new approach to reasoning verbal & non verbal

A fascinating topic! Here's a new approach to reasoning, combining both verbal and non-verbal aspects:

Integrative Reasoning Framework

This framework integrates verbal and non-verbal reasoning to provide a more comprehensive and effective approach to problem-solving. It consists of three interconnected components:

  1. Verbal Reasoning: This component focuses on the use of language to reason and communicate. It involves the analysis of written and spoken language, as well as the ability to articulate thoughts and ideas clearly.
  2. Non-Verbal Reasoning: This component focuses on the use of visual, spatial, and kinesthetic cues to reason and communicate. It involves the analysis of images, diagrams, charts, and other non-verbal forms of communication.
  3. Integrative Reasoning: This component combines verbal and non-verbal reasoning to create a more holistic and effective approach to problem-solving. It involves the ability to integrate verbal and non-verbal information, and to use both forms of reasoning to arrive at a solution.

Key Principles

  1. Interconnectedness: Verbal and non-verbal reasoning are interconnected and influence each other. Effective reasoning requires the ability to switch between verbal and non-verbal modes of thinking.
  2. Multimodal Processing: The brain processes verbal and non-verbal information simultaneously, and the two modes of processing are closely linked.
  3. Contextualization: Verbal and non-verbal information must be considered in context to ensure effective reasoning.
  4. Flexibility: The ability to switch between verbal and non-verbal modes of thinking is essential for effective reasoning.
  5. Integration: The integration of verbal and non-verbal information is critical for arriving at a solution.


  1. Problem-Solving: The Integrative Reasoning Framework can be applied to a wide range of problem-solving tasks, from mathematical and scientific problems to creative and artistic challenges.
  2. Communication: The framework can be used to improve communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, by considering the role of both modes in conveying information.
  3. Learning: The framework can be applied to learning and teaching, by recognizing the importance of both verbal and non-verbal forms of instruction and assessment.
  4. Decision-Making: The framework can be used to improve decision-making by considering both verbal and non-verbal information, and by integrating the two modes of thinking.


  1. Improved Problem-Solving: The Integrative Reasoning Framework can lead to improved problem-solving skills by considering both verbal and non-verbal information.
  2. Enhanced Communication: The framework can improve communication skills by recognizing the importance of both verbal and non-verbal forms of communication.
  3. Increased Flexibility: The framework can increase flexibility by allowing individuals to switch between verbal and non-verbal modes of thinking.
  4. Better Decision-Making: The framework can lead to better decision-making by considering both verbal and non-verbal information.


The Integrative Reasoning Framework offers a new approach to reasoning that combines verbal and non-verbal aspects. By recognizing the interconnectedness of verbal and non-verbal reasoning, and by applying the key principles of multimodal processing, contextualization, flexibility, and integration, individuals can improve their problem-solving, communication, learning, and decision-making skills.