A league and australian football news live singh scores stunner for bayern ii

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According to recent reports, Jordon Singh, an Australian footballer, has scored a stunning goal for Bayern II, the reserve team of German club Bayern Munich. Bayern II competes in the 3. Liga, which is the third tier of German football.

As for the A-League, it's the top-level professional soccer league in Australia, featuring eight teams from across the country. The league has been in action since 2005 and has gained popularity over the years.

If you're looking for live updates on the A-League or Australian football news, I can suggest some reliable sources:

  1. The Australian Football League (AFL) official website: afl.com.au
  2. The A-League official website: thealeague.com.au
  3. Fox Sports Australia: foxsports.com.au
  4. The Sydney Morning Herald: smh.com.au
  5. The Australian: theaustralian.com.au

These sources provide the latest news, scores, and updates on the A-League and Australian football.