Fox news combat barbie

You're referring to the controversy surrounding the new Barbie doll, "Barbie Millicent Roberts: U.S. Army Special Forces Officer"!

Fox News has indeed been critical of the doll, with some hosts and commentators arguing that it's promoting a "war-like" or "militarized" image of femininity. They've also raised concerns about the potential impact on young girls' perceptions of gender roles and the military.

Here are some quotes and reactions from Fox News:

On the other hand, some critics have argued that the doll is a positive representation of women in the military and can help promote diversity and inclusion. They've also pointed out that the doll is part of a larger effort to diversify the Barbie brand and offer more realistic and empowering role models for young girls.

What do you think about the new Barbie doll? Is it a positive step forward, or a misguided attempt to militarize femininity?