A commentary on new yam festival rivers state pdf

Here is a commentary on the New Yam Festival in Rivers State, Nigeria, in the form of a PDF document:

Title: The Significance of the New Yam Festival in Rivers State, Nigeria


The New Yam Festival, also known as the Iri Ji, is a significant cultural event in Rivers State, Nigeria. The festival is celebrated annually to mark the arrival of the new yam crop, which is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. This commentary provides an overview of the festival, its history, and its significance to the people of Rivers State.


The New Yam Festival is a traditional celebration that dates back to the pre-colonial era in Rivers State. The festival is celebrated by the people of the state, particularly the Ijaw and Ogoni ethnic groups, to mark the beginning of the yam harvest season. The festival is a time of great joy and celebration, and it is characterized by traditional music, dance, and food.

History of the Festival:

The New Yam Festival has a rich history that dates back to the pre-colonial era. According to oral tradition, the festival was first celebrated by the ancestors of the Ijaw and Ogoni people, who were skilled farmers and traders. The festival was a way of thanking the gods for the bounty of the land and for the hard work of the farmers. Over time, the festival became an important part of the cultural heritage of the people of Rivers State.

Significance of the Festival:

The New Yam Festival is significant to the people of Rivers State for several reasons. Firstly, it is a celebration of the harvest season, which is a time of abundance and prosperity. The festival is a way of thanking the gods for the bounty of the land and for the hard work of the farmers. Secondly, the festival is a time of cultural expression and celebration, and it is an opportunity for the people of Rivers State to come together and celebrate their heritage.

Traditional Practices:

The New Yam Festival is characterized by several traditional practices, including traditional music, dance, and food. The festival is marked by the presentation of the new yam to the gods, which is a symbol of the beginning of the harvest season. The festival is also marked by traditional music and dance, which are performed by the people of Rivers State. The festival is also characterized by traditional food, which includes dishes such as pounded yam, egusi soup, and plantain porridge.


The New Yam Festival is an important cultural event in Rivers State, Nigeria. The festival is a celebration of the harvest season, and it is a time of cultural expression and celebration. The festival is significant to the people of Rivers State, and it is an important part of their cultural heritage.