8 news values in journalism

In journalism, news values refer to the criteria used to determine what is newsworthy and what is not. The concept of news values was first introduced by Galtung and Ruge in 1965. They identified eight news values that influence the selection and presentation of news stories. These values are:

  1. Human interest: Stories that focus on individuals, their experiences, and their emotions are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the personal and relatable aspects of a story.
  2. Impact: News stories that have a significant impact on a large number of people are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the consequences of an event or issue.
  3. Uniqueness: Stories that are unusual, unexpected, or unprecedented are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the novelty and surprise value of a story.
  4. Proximity: News stories that occur close to home, either geographically or in terms of relevance to the audience, are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the importance of local and immediate relevance.
  5. Relevance: News stories that are relevant to the audience's interests, concerns, or values are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the importance of connection and resonance with the audience.
  6. Timeliness: News stories that are current and up-to-date are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the importance of immediacy and freshness.
  7. Conflict: News stories that involve conflict, controversy, or drama are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the importance of tension and drama in a story.
  8. Elite involvement: News stories that involve prominent or powerful individuals, such as politicians, celebrities, or business leaders, are more likely to be considered newsworthy. This value emphasizes the importance of prestige and authority.

These news values are not mutually exclusive, and many news stories may embody multiple values. However, the relative importance of each value can vary depending on the context, audience, and medium.