8 news values and definitions

Here are 8 news values and their definitions:

  1. Relevance: How important or relevant is the news to the audience? Is it a significant event that affects many people?

Definition: The degree to which the news is relevant to the audience's interests, needs, or concerns.

  1. Proximity: How close is the news to the audience's location or community? Is it a local event that affects people in their daily lives?

Definition: The degree to which the news is geographically close to the audience, making it more relatable and relevant.

  1. Human interest: How much does the news story appeal to people's emotions or personal experiences? Is it a story about individuals or groups that people can identify with?

Definition: The degree to which the news story has a human element, such as a personal struggle, triumph, or tragedy, that evokes emotions and empathy.

  1. Impact: How significant is the news in terms of its consequences or effects? Will it have a lasting impact on people's lives or society?

Definition: The degree to which the news has a significant impact on people, organizations, or society, making it newsworthy and worthy of attention.

  1. Uniqueness: How unusual or extraordinary is the news? Is it a one-time event or a rare occurrence that grabs attention?

Definition: The degree to which the news is unusual, unexpected, or unprecedented, making it stand out from other news stories.

  1. Conflict: How much conflict or controversy is involved in the news story? Is it a dispute or disagreement that sparks interest?

Definition: The degree to which the news story involves conflict, controversy, or disagreement, making it more engaging and newsworthy.

  1. Timeliness: How recent is the news? Is it a breaking story or a developing situation that requires immediate attention?

Definition: The degree to which the news is recent, up-to-date, or developing, making it more relevant and newsworthy.

  1. Prominence: How well-known or influential are the individuals or organizations involved in the news story? Is it a high-profile event or a story about a prominent figure?

Definition: The degree to which the news story involves well-known or influential individuals or organizations, making it more newsworthy and attention-grabbing.

These news values serve as guidelines for journalists and news organizations to determine what stories are worth covering and how to prioritize them.