77 lodge st new haven c.t 06515

A specific address!

77 Lodge St, New Haven, CT 06515 is a location in the city of New Haven, Connecticut, USA.

Here are a few things you might want to know about this address:

  1. Location: The address is situated in the downtown area of New Haven, within walking distance to many shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions.
  2. Neighborhood: The area is part of the Downtown New Haven neighborhood, which is known for its vibrant atmosphere, historic architecture, and diverse community.
  3. Landmarks: The address is close to several notable landmarks, including the New Haven Green, the Yale University campus, and the New Haven Museum.
  4. Transportation: The address is accessible by car, bus, or train. The New Haven Green is a short walk from the New Haven Union Station, which offers Amtrak and Metro-North Railroad services.
  5. Residential: The address appears to be a residential building, with apartments or condominiums available for rent or purchase.

If you're planning a visit or have a specific interest in this address, feel free to ask me any follow-up questions!