671 west 162nd street apt 66 new york n.y 10032
A specific address!
According to Google Maps, 671 West 162nd Street, Apt 66, New York, NY 10032 is located in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.
Here are some additional details:
- The address is situated near the intersection of West 162nd Street and Broadway.
- The nearest subway stations are 168th Street (1 train) and 163rd Street - Amsterdam Avenue (A, C, E, and 1 trains).
- The area is known for its diverse community, with a mix of residential and commercial buildings.
- There are several parks and green spaces nearby, including Fort Tryon Park and the Hudson River Greenway.
- The address is also close to several restaurants, shops, and cultural attractions, including the Cloisters museum and the New York Public Library's 115th Street branch.
Please note that this information is subject to change, and it's always a good idea to verify the accuracy of the address and surrounding details before visiting or planning a trip.