6 things job seekers do that sabotage their interview chances

The interview process! It can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for the most prepared job seekers. Unfortunately, some common mistakes can sabotage an interview and reduce the chances of landing the job. Here are 6 things job seekers do that can harm their interview chances:

  1. Arriving late or unprepared: Showing up late or unprepared can give the impression that you're not taking the interview seriously or that you're not responsible. Make sure to plan your route, arrive 10-15 minutes early, and have all necessary documents ready, such as multiple copies of your resume and references.

  2. Not researching the company: Failing to research the company can demonstrate a lack of interest in the role or the organization. Take the time to visit the company's website, read recent news articles, and understand their products, services, mission, and values. This will help you ask informed questions and show your enthusiasm for the position.

  3. Talking negatively about previous employers or colleagues: Speaking poorly about previous employers or colleagues can raise concerns about your professionalism and ability to work collaboratively. Instead, focus on what you learned from the experience and how you grew as a result.

  4. Lack of specific examples: When answering behavioral interview questions, job seekers often provide generic responses or vague answers. Make sure to prepare specific examples from your past experiences that demonstrate your skills and accomplishments. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses.

  5. Not asking thoughtful questions: Failing to ask questions can indicate a lack of interest in the role or the company. Prepare a list of thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer, such as "What are the biggest challenges facing the team right now?" or "Can you tell me more about the company culture?"

  6. Not following up: After the interview, it's essential to send a thank-you note or email to express your gratitude for the opportunity and reiterate your interest in the position. This can help keep you top of mind for the interviewer and demonstrate your professionalism.

By avoiding these common mistakes, job seekers can increase their chances of acing the interview and landing their dream job!