Chris brown new flames mp4 video download

I can help you with that!

Chris Brown's song "New Flame" (feat. Usher and Rick Ross) was released in 2014 as part of his album "X". The music video for "New Flame" was directed by Chris Brown and features the three artists performing the song in a futuristic setting.

If you're looking to download the music video for "New Flame" in MP4 format, I can provide you with a few options:

Option 1: You can search for the music video on YouTube and download it using a video downloader software or website. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to YouTube and search for "Chris Brown - New Flame (Official Video)".
  2. Click on the video and copy the URL.
  3. Use a video downloader software like 4K Video Downloader or Freemake Video Downloader to download the video in MP4 format.
  4. Choose the quality setting you prefer (e.g., 1080p, 720p, etc.).

Option 2: You can also download the music video from a reputable music video download website. Here are a few options:

  1. Go to a website like MP4MusicVideos or MusicVideoDownloads.
  2. Search for "Chris Brown - New Flame" and select the MP4 format.
  3. Click on the download button to download the video.

Important: Make sure to download the video from a reputable source to avoid any copyright issues or malware.