5 unnecessary things that lagos girls include in their packing list #

The infamous Lagos girl's packing list! Here are 5 unnecessary things that Lagos girls might include in their packing list:

  1. A separate bag for shoes: Why not just pack them in your main luggage? It's not like you're going on a hiking trip or anything. A pair of sandals or heels won't take up that much space, and you can always wear them on the plane to save space.

  2. A hair straightener: Honey, you're going to Lagos! The humidity is going to make your hair do its own thing, regardless of how many straighteners you bring. Just embrace the frizz and rock that natural texture, girl!

  3. A full makeup bag: Listen, Lagos is hot and humid, and your makeup is going to melt off your face anyway. Pack the essentials (like sunscreen and lip balm) and leave the rest behind. You can always buy more makeup when you get there.

  4. A bunch of fancy outfits: Lagos is all about comfort and practicality, sweetie. You're going to be walking in the heat, dealing with traffic, and possibly even dancing the night away. Leave the fancy dresses and high heels at home and pack some cute, comfortable outfits instead.

  5. A ton of hair accessories: Lagos girls love their hair, but do you really need to bring a whole collection of hair ties, clips, and headbands? Just pack a few essentials and buy more when you get there. Your hair will still look fabulous without all the extra accessories.

Remember, Lagos is all about being real, being relaxed, and being ready for anything. So, pack light, pack smart, and leave the unnecessary items behind!