37 girl child literacy level in kano worrisome says unicef

According to a recent report by UNICEF, the literacy level of girl children in Kano State, Nigeria is a cause for concern. The report states that only 37% of girl children in Kano State can read and write, which is a worrisome trend.

This low literacy rate among girl children in Kano State is attributed to various factors, including:

  1. Early marriage and childbearing: Many girls in Kano State are married off at a young age, which often leads to them dropping out of school and not having the opportunity to acquire basic literacy skills.
  2. Limited access to education: Many girls in Kano State do not have access to quality education, which is a major obstacle to their ability to acquire literacy skills.
  3. Cultural and social norms: In some communities in Kano State, girls are not considered important enough to receive education, and are instead expected to focus on domestic chores and childcare.
  4. Poverty: Many families in Kano State struggle with poverty, which makes it difficult for them to afford the costs associated with sending their children to school.

UNICEF is working to address these issues and improve literacy rates among girl children in Kano State. Some of the initiatives being implemented include:

  1. Providing access to quality education: UNICEF is working to improve the quality of education in Kano State by providing training and resources to teachers, and by supporting the construction of new schools.
  2. Promoting girls' education: UNICEF is working to promote girls' education by providing scholarships and other forms of support to girls who are struggling to stay in school.
  3. Addressing early marriage and childbearing: UNICEF is working to address early marriage and childbearing by providing support to families and communities to help them understand the importance of education for girls.
  4. Providing alternative education: UNICEF is also providing alternative education programs for girls who are not able to attend traditional schools, such as literacy classes and vocational training.

Overall, UNICEF's efforts aim to improve literacy rates among girl children in Kano State and to promote girls' education as a key factor in achieving sustainable development.