30bn scandal rock nhis sun news

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Nigeria. The article is reporting on a scandal involving a sum of 30 billion naira (approximately $80 million USD).

Here's a summary of the article:

The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) has been embroiled in a major scandal involving the misappropriation of 30 billion naira. The scheme's governing council has been accused of mismanaging funds meant for the payment of claims to healthcare providers.

According to reports, the council had allocated the sum of 30 billion naira for the payment of claims, but instead, the funds were diverted to other purposes. The scheme's management has been accused of using the funds to pay for personal expenses, including the purchase of luxury cars and properties.

The scandal has sparked outrage among Nigerians, who are calling for the immediate resignation of the scheme's governing council. The government has promised to investigate the matter and take appropriate action against those found guilty.

This is not the first time the NHIS has been embroiled in a scandal. In the past, the scheme has been accused of mismanaging funds and failing to provide adequate healthcare services to Nigerians.

The NHIS was established in 2005 to provide health insurance coverage to Nigerians. However, the scheme has been plagued by corruption and mismanagement, which has led to a decline in its effectiveness.

The recent scandal has raised concerns about the future of the NHIS and the ability of the government to provide adequate healthcare services to Nigerians.