Download times new roman font for android

Here are a few ways to download the Times New Roman font for Android:

Method 1: Download from Google Play Store

  1. Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
  2. Search for "Times New Roman font" or "Times New Roman Android font".
  3. Choose the font app that you like, such as "Times New Roman Font" or "Font Times New Roman".
  4. Click the "Install" button to download and install the app.
  5. Once installed, open the app and you can use the Times New Roman font in your Android device.

Method 2: Download from Font websites

  1. Go to a font website such as DaFont, FontSpace, or 1001Fonts.
  2. Search for "Times New Roman" and download the font file (usually in.ttf or.otf format).
  3. Save the font file to your Android device's internal storage or SD card.
  4. Go to your Android device's Settings > Language & Input > Fonts and choose the downloaded font file.
  5. You can now use the Times New Roman font in your Android device.

Method 3: Use a font manager app

  1. Download a font manager app such as Font Manager or Font Installer.
  2. Open the app and grant it the necessary permissions.
  3. Search for "Times New Roman" in the app's font library.
  4. Download and install the font.
  5. The font will be added to your Android device's font list, and you can use it in your device's settings or in apps that support custom fonts.

Some popular font manager apps for Android include:

Remember to always download fonts from reputable sources to ensure that they are safe and free of malware.