2022 undp waca youth innovation challenge how to apply hub opportunities

The UNDP WACA Youth Innovation Challenge is an exciting opportunity for young innovators to showcase their ideas and solutions to address pressing development challenges in the Western Africa region. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to apply and take advantage of the hub opportunities:

Eligibility Criteria:

Application Process:

  1. Register: Go to the UNDP WACA Youth Innovation Challenge website and register for the challenge by creating an account.
  2. Submit your idea: Fill out the application form and submit your innovative idea or solution. Make sure to provide a clear and concise description of your project, including its objectives, methodology, expected outcomes, and budget.
  3. Upload required documents: You will need to upload the following documents:
    • A detailed project proposal (max. 5 pages)
    • A budget plan (max. 2 pages)
    • A copy of your ID or passport
    • A letter of recommendation from a mentor or organization (optional)
  4. Submit your application: Once you have completed the application form and uploaded the required documents, submit your application.

Hub Opportunities:

The UNDP WACA Youth Innovation Challenge offers several hub opportunities to support the selected innovators:

  1. Mentorship: Each selected innovator will be paired with a mentor who will provide guidance and support throughout the project implementation.
  2. Training and Capacity Building: Innovators will have access to training and capacity-building programs to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  3. Seed Funding: Selected innovators will receive seed funding to support the implementation of their projects.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Innovators will have the chance to connect with other innovators, mentors, and stakeholders in the Western Africa region.
  5. Visibility and Promotion: The UNDP WACA Youth Innovation Challenge will promote the selected innovators and their projects through various channels, including social media, press releases, and events.


Tips and Reminders:

By following these steps and tips, you can increase your chances of being selected for the UNDP WACA Youth Innovation Challenge and take advantage of the hub opportunities to support your innovative project. Good luck!