2019 latest news on air nigeria recruitment date

Air Nigeria, also known as Air Peace, is a Nigerian airline that has been in operation since 2013. As of 2019, the airline has been undergoing a major transformation and expansion, which includes the recruitment of new staff.

According to various sources, including the airline's official website and social media channels, here are some updates on Air Nigeria's recruitment date:

Latest Recruitment Update (as of 2019):

Air Peace, the parent company of Air Nigeria, has announced plans to recruit new staff to support its expansion plans. The airline has stated that it will be recruiting for various positions, including pilots, cabin crew, engineers, and other support staff.

Recruitment Date:

The exact recruitment date has not been announced by the airline, but it is expected to take place in the coming months. The airline has stated that it will provide updates on its website and social media channels once the recruitment process begins.

How to Apply:

To stay updated on the recruitment process, you can visit Air Peace's official website at www.flyairpeace.com or follow the airline's social media channels on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.


The airline has not released specific requirements for the recruitment process, but it is expected to require candidates to meet certain qualifications and experience levels. Candidates are advised to check the airline's website and social media channels for updates on the recruitment process and requirements.


To increase your chances of being selected for the recruitment process, make sure to:

I hope this information helps!