2019 cnn breaking news press conference trump antisemitsm

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On August 15, 2019, CNN held a breaking news press conference to address a developing story about President Donald Trump's comments on antisemitism. Here's a summary of the event:

Background: The press conference was held in response to a controversy surrounding President Trump's comments on antisemitism. Earlier that day, Trump had tweeted that Jewish Democrats were "disloyal" for not supporting Israel, which many interpreted as a veiled attack on Jewish Americans who disagreed with his policies.

The Press Conference: CNN's Jake Tapper, along with other CNN anchors and correspondents, held a press conference to discuss the developing story. The conference featured a panel of experts, including:

  1. Rabbi David Saperstein, Director Emeritus of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
  2. Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, Holocaust scholar and author
  3. Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL), a Jewish member of Congress

Key Takeaways:

  1. The panel condemned President Trump's comments as "antisemitic" and "divisive."
  2. Rabbi Saperstein stated that Trump's words were "a slap in the face" to Jewish Americans and that they "undermine the very fabric of our democracy."
  3. Dr. Lipstadt emphasized that antisemitism is a serious issue that requires a strong response from leaders, and that Trump's comments were "a perfect example" of how not to address the problem.
  4. Rep. Deutch called on Trump to apologize for his comments and to take concrete actions to combat antisemitism.

Reaction: The press conference sparked widespread outrage and condemnation from both sides of the political aisle. Many Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League and the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, also spoke out against Trump's comments.

Aftermath: The controversy surrounding Trump's comments on antisemitism continued to unfold in the days and weeks that followed. The incident highlighted the ongoing challenges of addressing antisemitism in the United States and the importance of leaders speaking out against hate and discrimination.