Blue is the new black

A popular phrase! "Blue is the new black" is a play on the phrase "black is the new black," which was a trend in the 1990s where black became a popular color in fashion and design. The phrase was often used to describe the ubiquity of black in popular culture.

In 2000, the fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi coined the phrase "blue is the new black" to describe the growing popularity of blue as a fashion color. The phrase was meant to suggest that blue was becoming the new neutral color, just like black had been in the 1990s.

Since then, the phrase has been used to describe the increasing popularity of blue in various aspects of culture, including fashion, design, and even technology. It's often used to highlight the growing trend of using blue as a dominant color in branding, packaging, and even interior design.

So, what does it mean? "Blue is the new black" is a way of saying that blue is becoming a popular and trendy color, and it's being used in many different contexts. It's a nod to the power of blue as a color that can evoke feelings of calmness, trust, and serenity, while also being a bold and attention-grabbing color.

In short, "blue is the new black" is a phrase that celebrates the growing influence of blue in popular culture, and it's a reminder that colors can be powerful symbols that evoke emotions and convey meaning.