2014 environmental news

Here are some of the most significant environmental news stories from 2014:

  1. Climate Change: The year 2014 was the warmest on record globally, according to NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The average global temperature was 1.24°F (0.69°C) above the 20th-century average.
  2. Ebola Outbreak: The Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa, which began in December 2013, continued to spread throughout 2014, causing widespread panic and disruption. The outbreak was linked to environmental factors, such as deforestation and the consumption of bushmeat.
  3. Ocean Pollution: A massive oil spill off the coast of South Korea in November 2014 highlighted the ongoing problem of ocean pollution. The spill, which was caused by a tanker collision, released an estimated 10,000 tons of oil into the sea.
  4. Wildfires: The year 2014 saw a record number of wildfires in the United States, with over 9.3 million acres burned. The fires were exacerbated by drought and heatwaves.
  5. Biodiversity Loss: A report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) warned that the world is facing a "catastrophic" loss of biodiversity, with up to 1 million species facing extinction due to human activities.
  6. Fracking Controversy: The use of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) for shale gas extraction continued to be a contentious issue in 2014, with concerns over its impact on water supplies, air quality, and public health.
  7. Sea Level Rise: A study published in the journal Nature estimated that sea levels could rise by up to 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) by 2100, threatening coastal cities and communities around the world.
  8. Deforestation: The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reported that the world lost 13 million hectares of forest in 2014, equivalent to an area the size of Panama.
  9. Plastic Pollution: A study by the World Economic Forum estimated that there are over 150 million tons of plastic waste in the world's oceans, harming marine life and the environment.
  10. Renewable Energy: Despite the challenges posed by climate change, 2014 saw significant growth in renewable energy, with solar and wind power becoming increasingly cost-competitive with fossil fuels.

These are just a few of the many environmental news stories from 2014. The year was marked by both progress and challenges in the fight against environmental degradation and climate change.