13th street 47 w 13th st new york

A specific address in the Big Apple!

13th Street is a street in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City. The address you provided, 47 W 13th St, is a location that is likely to be a commercial or residential building.

Here are a few things you might want to know about this address:

  1. Location: The address is situated in the heart of Greenwich Village, surrounded by trendy restaurants, bars, and shops. It's within walking distance to many popular attractions, including Washington Square Park, the West Village, and the Meatpacking District.
  2. Neighborhood: The area is known for its vibrant nightlife, eclectic shops, and historic brownstones. It's a popular neighborhood for young professionals, artists, and families.
  3. Transportation: The nearest subway stations are West 4th Street (A, B, C, D, E, F, M trains) and 14th Street (L, N, Q, R, W, 1, 2, 3 trains). You can also take a short taxi ride or ride-hailing service to get to other parts of the city.
  4. Landmarks: The area is home to several historic landmarks, including the iconic Washington Square Arch and the New York University (NYU) campus.

If you're planning to visit or live at this address, you'll find plenty of amenities and attractions nearby. Enjoy your time in the city!