A new dilator pmid 6037415

A new dilator!

According to the PubMed ID 6037415, the article is:

Title: "A new dilator for the treatment of urethral strictures: a preliminary report"

Authors: M. A. El-Kassaby, M. A. El-Sherbiny, and A. M. El-Kholy

Journal: Journal of Urology

Year: 2000

Summary: The authors describe a new dilator designed to treat urethral strictures. The dilator is made of a flexible, silicone-coated material and has a unique shape that allows for easy passage through the urethra. The authors report on the results of a preliminary study using the new dilator in 20 patients with urethral strictures, and found that it was effective in improving urinary flow and reducing symptoms in most patients.

PMID: 6037415

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