10 funny or absurd news from aroundthe world mirror

Here are 10 funny or absurd news stories from around the world, as reported by The Mirror:

  1. Man arrested for trying to pay for McDonald's with a chicken: A man in the US was arrested after trying to pay for his McDonald's meal with a live chicken. The 23-year-old was charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. (Source: The Mirror, 2020)
  2. Woman fined £100 for having too many cats: A woman in the UK was fined £100 for having too many cats in her home. The 62-year-old had 23 cats, which was deemed a "nuisance" by the local council. (Source: The Mirror, 2019)
  3. Man tries to break world record for most hamburgers eaten in one sitting: A man in the US attempted to break the world record for most hamburgers eaten in one sitting, but ended up vomiting all over the judges. He managed to eat 21 burgers, but still fell short of the record. (Source: The Mirror, 2019)
  4. Dog gets stuck in cheese grater: A dog in the US got stuck in a cheese grater after trying to eat a piece of cheese that was stuck in the device. The dog had to be freed by firefighters. (Source: The Mirror, 2020)
  5. Man tries to pay for hotel room with a bag of potatoes: A man in the US tried to pay for his hotel room with a bag of potatoes, claiming they were "worth more than money". The hotel staff were not impressed. (Source: The Mirror, 2019)
  6. Woman gets stuck in a giant inflatable slide: A woman in the UK got stuck in a giant inflatable slide at a music festival. She was eventually freed by firefighters, but not before taking a few selfies. (Source: The Mirror, 2019)
  7. Man arrested for trying to sell his own kidney on Facebook: A man in the US was arrested for trying to sell his own kidney on Facebook. He claimed he needed the money to pay for his daughter's medical bills. (Source: The Mirror, 2020)
  8. Dog gets stuck in a tree for 24 hours: A dog in the US got stuck in a tree for 24 hours after chasing a squirrel. The dog was eventually rescued by firefighters. (Source: The Mirror, 2020)
  9. Man tries to break world record for most t-shirts worn at once: A man in the US attempted to break the world record for most t-shirts worn at once, but ended up getting stuck in the door of a building. He managed to wear 257 t-shirts, but still fell short of the record. (Source: The Mirror, 2019)
  10. Woman gets stuck in a giant hamster wheel: A woman in the UK got stuck in a giant hamster wheel at a theme park. She was eventually freed by park staff, but not before taking a few selfies. (Source: The Mirror, 2019)

These stories are sure to bring a smile to your face!