Zwane asks chiefs showboating youngster to stop knee trick

It seems like there's some drama brewing in the world of South African football!

According to reports, Zwane, a coach at Kaizer Chiefs, has asked one of their young players to stop showing off with his knee trick during matches. The youngster, whose name hasn't been disclosed, has been impressing fans with his skills on the pitch, but Zwane believes it's becoming a distraction and affecting the team's performance.

Zwane reportedly told the player that while he appreciates his creativity, it's essential to focus on the game and not get too caught up in individual displays. The coach wants the team to maintain a professional attitude and avoid unnecessary risks that could lead to mistakes.

This incident highlights the delicate balance between showcasing individual talent and prioritizing team success. While it's understandable that fans love to see exciting skills on display, coaches often have to make tough decisions to ensure their team's overall performance.

What do you think, should the youngster tone down his showboating, or is it a vital part of his game?