Zto spurns huge china valuations benefits u s listing

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article about ZTO Express (ZTO) and its decision to list on the US stock market. Here's a summary of the article:

ZTO Express, a Chinese logistics company, has decided to list on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) instead of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX), despite the latter offering a higher valuation. The company's decision is seen as a significant move, as it will allow ZTO to tap into the US capital market and gain access to a broader investor base.

The article suggests that ZTO's decision to list on the NYSE is driven by several factors, including the company's desire to increase its global visibility and attract more institutional investors. By listing on the NYSE, ZTO will be able to tap into the US capital market, which is considered to be more liquid and deeper than the HKEX.

The article also notes that ZTO's decision to list on the NYSE is seen as a vote of confidence in the US capital market, as it indicates that the company believes it can attract more investors and achieve higher valuations in the US market.

Overall, ZTO's decision to list on the NYSE is seen as a significant move that will allow the company to expand its global reach and increase its visibility among investors.