Zimbabwean prophet murdered by a client using a brick

I'm so sorry to hear about this tragic incident. It's heartbreaking to learn that a prophet in Zimbabwe was murdered by a client using a brick. Can you please provide more information about the incident, such as the location, date, and any other details you may have? This will help me better understand the situation and provide a more accurate response.

Additionally, I want to acknowledge the pain and suffering that the prophet's family and loved ones must be going through. Losing a loved one is never easy, and it's especially devastating when it's due to violence and senseless acts of harm.

It's also important to recognize that prophets and spiritual leaders play a vital role in many communities, providing guidance, support, and comfort to those in need. Their work is often selfless and dedicated to helping others, and it's tragic that this individual's life was cut short in such a brutal manner.

If you have any information about the incident or would like to share your thoughts and condolences, I'm here to listen and offer support.