Zimbabwe robert mugabe latest news

Robert Mugabe, the former President of Zimbabwe, passed away on September 6, 2019, at the age of 95. Since his death, there have been no significant updates or news related to him. However, I can provide you with some information on his life and legacy:

Life and Legacy:

Robert Mugabe was born on February 21, 1924, in Kutama, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). He was a key figure in Zimbabwe's struggle for independence from British colonial rule and served as the country's first Prime Minister from 1980 to 1987 and then as President from 1987 to 2017.

Mugabe's early life was marked by poverty and hardship, and he was forced to drop out of school at the age of 11 due to financial constraints. He later attended a Catholic mission school and went on to study at Fort Hare University in South Africa, where he became involved in the African National Congress (ANC) and the African National Congress Youth League.

After independence, Mugabe's government implemented a number of policies aimed at redistributing land from white farmers to black Zimbabweans, which led to widespread economic instability and human rights abuses. He also became increasingly authoritarian, cracking down on opposition parties and the media.

Controversies and Criticisms:

Mugabe's rule was marked by numerous controversies and criticisms, including:


Despite his controversial legacy, Mugabe remains a significant figure in Zimbabwean history and politics. He is credited with leading the country to independence and is seen by many as a national hero. However, his later years in power were marked by widespread criticism and opposition, and he was eventually ousted in a military coup in 2017.

In recent years, there have been efforts to rehabilitate Mugabe's image and to promote a more positive narrative about his legacy. However, many Zimbabweans continue to view him with skepticism and criticism, and his legacy remains a complex and controversial topic.