Zimbabwe newspapers and news sites

Here is a list of some popular newspapers and news sites in Zimbabwe:


  1. The Herald - a government-owned daily newspaper
  2. The Zimbabwe Independent - a weekly newspaper that covers business, politics, and current affairs
  3. The Standard - a daily newspaper that covers news, politics, and business
  4. NewsDay - a daily newspaper that covers news, politics, and current affairs
  5. The Chronicle - a daily newspaper that covers news, politics, and current affairs (based in Bulawayo)
  6. The Sunday Mail - a weekly newspaper that covers news, politics, and current affairs
  7. The Sunday Times - a weekly newspaper that covers news, politics, and current affairs

Online News Sites:

  1. Zimbabwe News (zimbabwesituation.com) - a popular online news site that covers news, politics, and current affairs
  2. NewZimbabwe.com - an online news site that covers news, politics, and current affairs
  3. The Zimbabwean (thezimbabwean.co.uk) - an online news site that covers news, politics, and current affairs
  4. SW Radio Africa (swradioafrica.com) - an online news site that covers news, politics, and current affairs, with a focus on human rights and democracy
  5. Zimbabwe Today (zimbabwetoday.co.zw) - an online news site that covers news, politics, and current affairs
  6. The Africa Report (theafricareport.com) - an online news site that covers news, politics, and current affairs from across Africa, including Zimbabwe
  7. AllAfrica.com (allafrica.com) - an online news site that aggregates news from across Africa, including Zimbabwe

Other Sources:

  1. Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) - the state-owned national broadcaster, which provides news and current affairs programming
  2. Voice of America (VOA) - an international broadcaster that provides news and current affairs programming in Zimbabwe
  3. BBC News (bbc.com/news) - a global news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage of Zimbabwe
  4. Al Jazeera (aljazeera.com) - a global news organization that provides news and current affairs coverage of Zimbabwe

Please note that some of these sources may have a bias or perspective, and it's always a good idea to consult multiple sources to get a well-rounded view of the news and current events in Zimbabwe.