Zimbabwe newspapers and news on the internet

Here are some popular Zimbabwean newspapers and online news sources:


  1. The Herald - a government-owned daily newspaper
  2. The Sunday Mail - a government-owned weekly newspaper
  3. NewsDay - an independent daily newspaper
  4. The Standard - an independent daily newspaper
  5. Zimbabwe Independent - an independent weekly newspaper
  6. The Chronicle - a government-owned daily newspaper (based in Bulawayo)
  7. The Manica Post - a government-owned daily newspaper (based in Mutare)

Online News Sources:

  1. NewZimbabwe.com - an independent online news source
  2. Zimbabwe Today - an online news source with a focus on business and finance
  3. The Zimbabwean - an online news source with a focus on politics and current events
  4. SW Radio Africa - an online news source with a focus on politics and human rights
  5. Zimbabwe News - an online news source with a focus on news and current events
  6. 263Chat - an online news source with a focus on news, sports, and entertainment
  7. TechZim - an online news source with a focus on technology and innovation

Online News Aggregators:

  1. AllAfrica.com - a news aggregator with a focus on African news, including Zimbabwe
  2. AfricaNews.com - a news aggregator with a focus on African news, including Zimbabwe
  3. Reuters Africa - a news aggregator with a focus on African news, including Zimbabwe

Government-owned News Sources:

  1. Zimbabwe Government Website - official website of the Government of Zimbabwe
  2. Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services - official website of the Ministry of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services

International News Sources:

  1. BBC News - international news source with a focus on Zimbabwe
  2. Al Jazeera - international news source with a focus on Zimbabwe
  3. CNN - international news source with a focus on Zimbabwe
  4. The Guardian - international news source with a focus on Zimbabwe
  5. The Times of London - international news source with a focus on Zimbabwe

Please note that some of these sources may have a bias or perspective, and it's always a good idea to verify information through multiple sources.