Zimbabwe news live

Here are some recent news updates from Zimbabwe:

Latest News

  1. Economic Crisis Deepens: Zimbabwe's economic crisis has worsened, with the country experiencing a severe shortage of foreign currency, leading to a surge in prices of basic commodities. (Source: The Herald)
  2. Mnangagwa Meets with Opposition Leaders: President Emmerson Mnangagwa has met with opposition leaders, including Nelson Chamisa, to discuss the country's political and economic crisis. (Source: New Zimbabwe)
  3. Zimbabwe to Import Maize from South Africa: Zimbabwe has announced plans to import maize from South Africa to address a severe shortage of the staple food. (Source: The Zimbabwe Independent)
  4. Zanu-PF Youth League Demands Mnangagwa's Resignation: The Zanu-PF Youth League has demanded the resignation of President Emmerson Mnangagwa, citing his failure to address the country's economic crisis. (Source: NewsDay)
  5. Zimbabwe to Host African Union Summit: Zimbabwe will host the African Union (AU) summit in August, with President Mnangagwa set to chair the meeting. (Source: The Herald)

Live Updates

You can follow live updates from Zimbabwe on the following news sources:

  1. The Herald: www.herald.co.zw
  2. New Zimbabwe: www.newzimbabwe.com
  3. NewsDay: www.newsday.co.zw
  4. The Zimbabwe Independent: www.theindependent.co.zw
  5. ZBC News: www.zbc.co.zw

Social Media

You can also follow Zimbabwean news and updates on social media platforms:

  1. Twitter: @HeraldZimbabwe, @NewZimbabwe, @NewsDayZimbabwe, @TheZimbabweIndependent, @ZBCNews
  2. Facebook: The Herald, New Zimbabwe, NewsDay Zimbabwe, The Zimbabwe Independent, ZBC News

Please note that the accuracy and reliability of online news sources may vary. It's always a good idea to verify information through multiple sources before drawing conclusions.