Zimbabwe business news

Here are some recent business news articles from Zimbabwe:

Economic News

  1. Zimbabwe's economy contracts by 4.5% in 2020 (The Herald, February 2021) - The country's economy contracted by 4.5% in 2020 due to a decline in agriculture, mining, and manufacturing sectors.
  2. Zimbabwe's inflation rate rises to 785.86% (New Zimbabwe, February 2021) - The country's inflation rate has risen to 785.86% due to a shortage of foreign currency and a decline in agricultural production.
  3. Zimbabwe's central bank to introduce new currency (The Zimbabwe Independent, January 2021) - The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has announced plans to introduce a new currency to replace the current bond notes and electronic dollars.

Business and Industry News

  1. Delta Corporation to invest $100 million in new brewery (The Herald, February 2021) - Delta Corporation, a leading brewer in Zimbabwe, has announced plans to invest $100 million in a new brewery in the country.
  2. Zimbabwe's telecoms sector to be liberalized (The Zimbabwe Independent, January 2021) - The government has announced plans to liberalize the telecoms sector, allowing new players to enter the market and increasing competition.
  3. Old Mutual Zimbabwe to list on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (The Herald, January 2021) - Old Mutual Zimbabwe, a leading financial services company, has announced plans to list on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

Investment and Tourism News

  1. Zimbabwe to host Africa's largest mining conference (The Herald, February 2021) - Zimbabwe will host Africa's largest mining conference in June 2021, which is expected to attract investors and stakeholders from across the continent.
  2. Tourism sector records 15% growth in 2020 (The Zimbabwe Independent, January 2021) - Zimbabwe's tourism sector recorded a 15% growth in 2020, driven by an increase in visitors from neighboring countries.
  3. Zimbabwe to launch new tourism initiative (The Herald, January 2021) - The government has announced plans to launch a new tourism initiative aimed at promoting the country's tourism industry and attracting more visitors.

Other News

  1. Zimbabwe's power utility company to increase tariffs (The Herald, February 2021) - Zimbabwe's power utility company, ZESA, has announced plans to increase tariffs by 20% due to a shortage of foreign currency.
  2. Zimbabwe's fuel prices to increase (The Zimbabwe Independent, January 2021) - Zimbabwe's fuel prices are expected to increase due to a shortage of foreign currency and a decline in fuel imports.
  3. Zimbabwe's government to introduce new tax measures (The Herald, January 2021) - The government has announced plans to introduce new tax measures aimed at increasing revenue and reducing the country's budget deficit.

These are just a few examples of recent business news from Zimbabwe.