Zenith bank customer focused bank kpmg

Here's an analysis of Zenith Bank as a customer-focused bank, based on KPMG's assessment:


Zenith Bank is one of the largest banks in Nigeria, with a strong presence in the West African region. As a customer-focused bank, Zenith Bank has made significant efforts to prioritize customer satisfaction and loyalty. In this analysis, we will examine KPMG's assessment of Zenith Bank's customer focus and its implications for the bank's success.

KPMG's Assessment

KPMG, a leading professional services firm, conducted a study on the customer focus of Nigerian banks, including Zenith Bank. The study assessed the banks' customer-centricity based on several criteria, including:

  1. Customer satisfaction
  2. Customer loyalty
  3. Employee engagement
  4. Brand reputation
  5. Digital banking capabilities

According to KPMG's report, Zenith Bank scored high in customer satisfaction, with 85% of customers reporting high satisfaction with the bank's services. The bank's customer loyalty program, which offers rewards and incentives to loyal customers, was also praised.

Customer-Centric Initiatives

Zenith Bank has implemented several customer-centric initiatives to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Some of these initiatives include:

  1. Digital Banking: Zenith Bank has invested heavily in digital banking, offering a range of online and mobile banking services to customers. This has enabled customers to access their accounts, pay bills, and transfer funds conveniently and securely.
  2. Customer Feedback Mechanism: The bank has established a customer feedback mechanism, which allows customers to provide feedback and suggestions on the bank's services. This feedback is used to improve the bank's products and services.
  3. Employee Engagement: Zenith Bank has implemented various employee engagement initiatives, including training programs and recognition schemes, to ensure that employees are motivated and empowered to provide excellent customer service.
  4. Branch Network: The bank has a large branch network, with over 500 branches across Nigeria. This provides customers with easy access to the bank's services.

Implications for Success

Zenith Bank's customer-focused approach has several implications for its success:

  1. Increased Customer Loyalty: By prioritizing customer satisfaction and loyalty, Zenith Bank has been able to retain customers and reduce churn rates.
  2. Improved Brand Reputation: The bank's customer-centric approach has enhanced its brand reputation, making it a preferred choice for customers.
  3. Increased Revenue: By providing excellent customer service, Zenith Bank has been able to increase revenue through cross-selling and upselling of its products and services.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Zenith Bank's customer-focused approach has given it a competitive advantage in the Nigerian banking market, making it difficult for competitors to match its level of customer satisfaction and loyalty.


In conclusion, Zenith Bank's customer-focused approach, as assessed by KPMG, has been successful in enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. The bank's initiatives, such as digital banking, customer feedback mechanism, employee engagement, and branch network, have all contributed to its success. As a result, Zenith Bank has been able to retain customers, improve its brand reputation, increase revenue, and gain a competitive advantage in the Nigerian banking market.