Zanu pf approve mugabe dismissal

I think there may be some confusion here.

Actually, ZANU-PF, the ruling party of Zimbabwe, did not approve the dismissal of Robert Mugabe, the former President of Zimbabwe, in 2017.

On November 15, 2017, the Zimbabwean military, led by General Constantino Chiwenga, launched a coup against Mugabe, who had been in power since 1980. The military took control of key government institutions, and Mugabe was placed under house arrest.

After several days of negotiations, Mugabe resigned as President of Zimbabwe on November 21, 2017, bringing an end to his 37-year rule. Emmerson Mnangagwa, a former vice president and a loyal ally of Mugabe, took over as the new President of Zimbabwe.

It's worth noting that while ZANU-PF was the ruling party during Mugabe's presidency, there were growing divisions within the party over Mugabe's leadership and policies. Many party members, including some high-ranking officials, had become disillusioned with Mugabe's rule and were calling for him to step down.

In the end, it was the military's intervention that ultimately led to Mugabe's downfall, rather than any formal approval from ZANU-PF.