Zamfara state police command reacts to suspension of mining activities in the state

Here is a potential response from the Zamfara State Police Command to the suspension of mining activities in the state:

Zamfara State Police Command Reacts to Suspension of Mining Activities

The Zamfara State Police Command has reacted to the suspension of mining activities in the state by the Federal Government, saying it is a welcome development that will help to curb the menace of banditry and kidnapping in the area.

In a statement issued by the Command's Public Relations Officer, SP Mohammed Shehu, the Police Command commended the Federal Government for taking the bold step to suspend mining activities in the state, which has been a major source of revenue for the state.

The statement read: "The Zamfara State Police Command welcomes the decision of the Federal Government to suspend mining activities in the state. This decision is a major step in the right direction towards addressing the security challenges facing the state.

"For too long, the mining industry in Zamfara State has been plagued by illegal activities, including banditry and kidnapping, which have resulted in the loss of lives and property. The suspension of mining activities will help to curb these illegal activities and restore peace to the state.

"We urge all stakeholders, including miners, to comply with the suspension and work with the government to find alternative means of generating revenue for the state. We also urge the government to provide alternative livelihoods for those who have been affected by the suspension.

"The Zamfara State Police Command is committed to ensuring the security and safety of all citizens in the state, and we will continue to work with other security agencies to maintain law and order in the state."

The statement further assured that the Police Command will continue to work with other security agencies to ensure that the suspension of mining activities is enforced and that all illegal activities are brought to an end.

It is worth noting that the suspension of mining activities in Zamfara State was announced by the Federal Government on [date] following a report by the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) that the state was facing a serious security crisis. The report stated that the state was facing a high level of banditry and kidnapping, which was linked to the mining industry.