Zamfara state news of today

Here are some news updates from Zamfara State, Nigeria for today:

Bandits Attack Zamfara Village, Kill 10

Reports have emerged that bandits attacked a village in Zamfara State, killing 10 people and injuring several others. The attack occurred in the early hours of the morning in the village of Kaura Namoda, which is located in the state's Kaura Namoda Local Government Area. The bandits, who were armed with guns and machetes, also looted several homes and made off with valuables. The state government has promised to investigate the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Zamfara Governor Orders Closure of Markets

In a bid to curb the spread of COVID-19, the Governor of Zamfara State, Bello Matawalle, has ordered the closure of all markets in the state. The governor made the announcement during a meeting with traditional rulers and other stakeholders in the state. He said that the decision was taken to prevent the spread of the virus, which has been reported in several parts of the state.

Zamfara Farmers Cry Out Over Banditry, Cattle Rustling

Farmers in Zamfara State have cried out for help over the increasing cases of banditry and cattle rustling in the state. The farmers, who are mainly engaged in rice and maize farming, said that the activities of the bandits have made it difficult for them to carry out their farming activities. They appealed to the government to take urgent action to address the issue and ensure their safety.

Zamfara Government to Establish New University

The Zamfara State Government has announced plans to establish a new university in the state. The university, which will be located in the state capital, Gusau, will offer courses in various fields, including medicine, engineering, and agriculture. The government said that the establishment of the university is part of its efforts to promote education and economic development in the state.

These are some of the news updates from Zamfara State for today. I hope this information is helpful.