Zamfara college of education operates for 15 years without accreditation ncce

I think there may be some misinformation here.

Zamfara College of Education is a reputable institution of higher learning in Nigeria, and it is not possible for it to operate for 15 years without accreditation from the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE).

In Nigeria, colleges of education are required to obtain accreditation from the NCCE before they can operate. Accreditation is a process that ensures the institution meets certain standards and criteria set by the commission. It is a rigorous process that involves a thorough assessment of the institution's infrastructure, curriculum, teaching staff, and other factors.

If a college of education fails to obtain accreditation, it is not allowed to operate. In fact, the NCCE has the power to shut down any institution that fails to meet the required standards.

Therefore, it is unlikely that Zamfara College of Education operated for 15 years without accreditation from the NCCE. It is possible that there may have been some temporary issues or challenges that the institution faced, but it is unlikely that it would have been allowed to operate for such a long period without accreditation.

If you have any further information or clarification regarding this issue, I would be happy to help.