Yuval noah harari new book

You're referring to Yuval Noah Harari's latest book!

Yuval Noah Harari is a renowned Israeli historian, professor, and author, known for his thought-provoking and insightful books on the human condition, history, and the future of humanity.

His latest book, published in 2021, is:

"21 Lessons for the 21st Century"

In this book, Harari explores the challenges and opportunities that humanity faces in the 21st century, from the rise of artificial intelligence and biotechnology to the decline of liberal democracy and the increasing threat of global catastrophes. He offers 21 lessons, or "rules," for navigating this complex and rapidly changing world.

Some of the topics covered in the book include:

  1. The rise of AI and its impact on work and society
  2. The importance of education and critical thinking in the age of misinformation
  3. The need for global cooperation and collective action to address global challenges
  4. The role of technology in shaping our relationships and communities
  5. The importance of empathy, compassion, and human connection in a rapidly changing world

Harari's book is a thought-provoking and timely exploration of the challenges and opportunities that humanity faces in the 21st century. If you're interested in understanding the big picture and how to navigate the complexities of our rapidly changing world, this book is definitely worth checking out!