Youtube news videos

Here are some popular YouTube news channels and videos:

Breaking News

  1. CBS News (4.5M subscribers): CBS News is a leading source of breaking news, in-depth reporting, and analysis.
  2. NBC News (3.5M subscribers): NBC News provides up-to-the-minute coverage of national and international news.
  3. ABC News (3.2M subscribers): ABC News offers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and investigative journalism.

In-Depth Analysis

  1. The New York Times (2.5M subscribers): The New York Times provides in-depth analysis and reporting on national and international news.
  2. The Guardian (2.2M subscribers): The Guardian offers in-depth reporting and analysis on politics, business, and culture.
  3. The Economist (1.5M subscribers): The Economist provides in-depth analysis and commentary on global news and current events.

Specialized News

  1. Fox News (2.5M subscribers): Fox News offers breaking news, in-depth reporting, and opinion-based commentary.
  2. CNN (2.2M subscribers): CNN provides 24/7 coverage of breaking news, in-depth reporting, and analysis.
  3. Bloomberg QuickTake (1.5M subscribers): Bloomberg QuickTake offers in-depth reporting and analysis on business, finance, and technology.

Investigative Journalism

  1. Vice News (2.2M subscribers): Vice News provides in-depth reporting and investigative journalism on global news and current events.
  2. The Intercept (1.5M subscribers): The Intercept offers investigative journalism and in-depth reporting on national security, politics, and civil liberties.
  3. ProPublica (1.2M subscribers): ProPublica is a non-profit newsroom that provides in-depth reporting and investigative journalism on a range of topics.

Other Popular News Channels

  1. Al Jazeera English (1.5M subscribers): Al Jazeera English offers in-depth reporting and analysis on international news and current events.
  2. RT (1.2M subscribers): RT is a Russian state-funded news channel that offers in-depth reporting and analysis on international news and current events.
  3. PBS NewsHour (1M subscribers): PBS NewsHour offers in-depth reporting and analysis on national and international news.

These are just a few examples of popular YouTube news channels and videos. There are many other great sources of news and information available on YouTube.