Young people now learning from me senator abbo

It seems like you're referring to Senator Elisha Abbo, a Nigerian politician who has been in the news recently for his comments on social media.

Senator Abbo has been criticized for his views on various issues, including his comments on the #EndSARS protests and his stance on the rights of young people. Some people have accused him of being out of touch with the concerns and aspirations of young people in Nigeria.

It's worth noting that Senator Abbo has also been praised by some for his efforts to promote education and economic development in Nigeria. However, his comments on social media have been widely criticized and have sparked controversy.

It's important for public figures like Senator Abbo to be mindful of the impact of their words and actions on young people and the wider public. They have a responsibility to promote positive values and to use their platforms to inspire and uplift others.

What are your thoughts on Senator Abbo's comments and actions? Do you think he is doing a good job representing the interests of young people in Nigeria?