Youll have to defend yourself furious judge warns alleged kidnap kingpin evans

I think I have a good idea of what this headline is referring to!

The headline is likely referring to a recent news story about Chukwudumeje George Onwuamadike, also known as Evans, a Nigerian suspected kidnapper who was arrested in 2017. Evans was known for his brazen and violent kidnapping activities, and was accused of kidnapping and demanding ransom from numerous victims.

According to reports, during his trial, Evans' lawyer, Olukoya Ogungbeje, told the court that his client was willing to defend himself, prompting the judge, Justice Okechukwu Okeke, to warn Evans that he would have to defend himself if he refused to cooperate with his lawyer.

The judge reportedly said: "You will have to defend yourself if you refuse to cooperate with your lawyer. I will not tolerate any nonsense in this court. You are not a god, you are a human being and you will be treated as such."

Evans' lawyer had reportedly told the court that his client was not cooperating with him and was instead trying to defend himself, which led to the judge's warning. The judge's statement was seen as a stern warning to Evans to cooperate with his lawyer and not try to take matters into his own hands.

It's worth noting that Evans' trial has been ongoing for several years, and he has been accused of numerous crimes, including kidnapping, murder, and armed robbery.