You need to examine your head apc publicity secretary nabena slams bishop oyedepo

It seems like there's a controversy brewing!

According to reports, the Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Yekini Nabena, has slammed Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of Living Faith Church (Winners' Chapel), over a statement made by the bishop.

From what I gather, Bishop Oyedepo had made some comments about the APC and its leadership, which Nabena has deemed as "unfortunate" and "unbecoming" of a man of God.

Nabena has reportedly accused Bishop Oyedepo of being "misguided" and "misinformed" about the APC and its policies. He has also called on the bishop to "refrain from making unguided comments" that could "incite violence" and "create unnecessary tension" in the country.

It's not clear what specific comments Bishop Oyedepo made that have drawn Nabena's ire, but it's clear that the APC publicity secretary is not happy with the bishop's remarks.

What do you think about this controversy? Should religious leaders like Bishop Oyedepo stay out of politics, or do they have a right to speak out on issues that affect the country?