You make all things new

What a beautiful phrase! "You make all things new" is a powerful declaration of God's sovereignty and redemption. It's a promise that He can take the broken, the worn out, and the imperfect, and make them new again.

In Revelation 21:5, Jesus says, "Behold, I make all things new." This verse is often referred to as a promise of restoration and renewal. It's a reminder that no matter what we've been through, no matter how broken or damaged we may feel, God has the power to make us new again.

This phrase can be applied to so many areas of our lives. When we're struggling with addiction, God can make us new again. When we're dealing with the aftermath of a painful experience, God can make us new again. When we're feeling stuck or stagnant, God can make us new again.

But it's not just about us as individuals. This phrase can also be applied to the world around us. When we see brokenness and chaos in the world, we can trust that God is working to make all things new. He is the God of restoration, and He is working to bring redemption and renewal to all of creation.

So let's hold onto this promise, dear friends. Let's trust that God is the God of new beginnings, and that He can take the broken and make it new again.