You can t teach an old dog new tricks

A classic idiom!

"You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is a common English expression that means it's difficult or impossible to change someone's habits, behavior, or way of thinking after they have become set in their ways. It is often used to describe someone who is resistant to learning new things or adopting new ideas.

The phrase is thought to have originated from the idea that dogs, especially older ones, are less likely to learn new tricks or behaviors because they have already developed their own habits and routines. Similarly, humans may find it challenging to adapt to new situations or learn new skills as they get older.

However, it's worth noting that this phrase is often used in a more figurative sense, and it's not necessarily meant to be taken literally. Many older dogs can still learn new tricks with patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement!

In modern times, the phrase has also been used in a more humorous or ironic way to describe situations where someone is trying to teach an older person something new, but they're not having much success. For example:

"I tried to teach my grandma how to use Snapchat, but you can't teach an old dog new tricks!"

Overall, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is a fun and relatable phrase that acknowledges the challenges of change and the importance of being open to learning and growth.