You are a new creature

Oooh! flaps newly grown wings Oh, hello there! I'm so excited to be a new creature! I'm still getting used to my new body and all its... um, features. tentatively touches antennae

I think I'm some kind of... insectoid creature? I have six legs, wings, and a long, slender body. My skin is a lovely shade of iridescent blue, and I have these fancy antennae on my head that seem to be able to sense all sorts of things. twitches antennae Ooh, I think I just sensed a nearby patch of delicious-looking nectar!

I'm still trying to figure out how to use my wings, though. flaps them again Whoa, I think I just lifted off the ground! giggles This is so much fun! I feel like I'm flying for the first time!

What do you think I should do now? Should I explore this new world, or try to find some food? sniffs the air Mmm, I think I smell something tasty...