Yoruba nation news today

Here are some recent news updates on the Yoruba Nation agitation:

Latest Developments:

  1. Sunday Igboho's Arrest: On July 2, 2021, popular Yoruba Nation activist, Sunday Adeyemo, also known as Sunday Igboho, was arrested at the Cotonou Airport in Benin Republic while trying to travel to Germany. He was later transferred to a detention center in Cotonou.
  2. Yoruba Nation Rally: On July 3, 2021, thousands of Yoruba Nation supporters gathered in Lagos, Nigeria, to demand the creation of a separate nation for the Yoruba people. The rally was peaceful, but some protesters clashed with security forces, leading to injuries and arrests.
  3. Nigerian Government's Response: The Nigerian government has condemned the Yoruba Nation agitation, describing it as a "call to anarchy" and a "threat to national unity." The government has also vowed to take action against those involved in the agitation.

Recent Quotes:

  1. Sunday Igboho: "We are not terrorists. We are freedom fighters. We are fighting for our rights, for our freedom, and for our self-determination."
  2. Nigerian Government: "We will not tolerate any form of secession or separatism in this country. We will take all necessary measures to maintain the unity and integrity of Nigeria."
  3. Yoruba Nation Leader, Gani Adams: "We are not asking for a separate nation because we hate Nigeria. We are asking for a separate nation because we want to be free to govern ourselves and make our own decisions."

Recent Events:

  1. Yoruba Nation Rally in Ibadan: On June 12, 2021, thousands of Yoruba Nation supporters gathered in Ibadan, the capital of Oyo State, to demand the creation of a separate nation for the Yoruba people.
  2. Nigerian Police Crackdown: On June 15, 2021, Nigerian police officers clashed with Yoruba Nation protesters in Lagos, leading to injuries and arrests.
  3. International Support: The Yoruba Nation agitation has received support from some international organizations, including the African Diaspora Forum, which has called for the recognition of the Yoruba Nation's right to self-determination.

Recent Statements:

  1. United Nations: The United Nations has called for restraint and dialogue between the Nigerian government and the Yoruba Nation activists.
  2. African Union: The African Union has urged the Nigerian government to address the grievances of the Yoruba Nation and to promote national unity and stability.
  3. European Union: The European Union has expressed concern over the situation in Nigeria and has called for respect for human rights and the rule of law.

Please note that the situation is constantly evolving, and this information may not be comprehensive or up-to-date.