Yinka ayefele sets celebrate 20th year accident #

Yinka Ayefele's Music House, a popular radio station in Nigeria, is indeed celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. The station was founded by Yinka Ayefele, a renowned musician and radio personality, in 1997.

However, it's worth noting that Yinka Ayefele was involved in a car accident in 1997 that left him paralyzed from the waist down. Despite this setback, he continued to pursue his passion for music and radio broadcasting, and his station has since become a household name in Nigeria.

The 20th anniversary celebration of Yinka Ayefele's Music House is a significant milestone, and it's a testament to the station's enduring popularity and influence in the Nigerian music industry. The celebration is expected to feature a series of events, including concerts, award ceremonies, and other activities that will bring together fans, friends, and colleagues of the station.

Here are some interesting facts about Yinka Ayefele's Music House:

  1. The station was founded in 1997 and was initially known as Fresh FM.
  2. Yinka Ayefele was involved in a car accident in 1997 that left him paralyzed from the waist down.
  3. Despite his physical limitations, Ayefele continued to pursue his passion for music and radio broadcasting.
  4. The station has since become a household name in Nigeria, known for its popular music programs and events.
  5. Yinka Ayefele's Music House has won numerous awards, including the Best Radio Station in Nigeria award at the 2017 Nigeria Entertainment Awards.
  6. The station has also been recognized for its contributions to the development of the Nigerian music industry, including its role in promoting local artists and music.

Overall, Yinka Ayefele's Music House is a significant part of Nigerian entertainment history, and its 20th anniversary celebration is a testament to the station's enduring popularity and influence.